1 inch beam splitter holder, tension-free – 25 mm


NEW: Universal tension-free beam splitter holder for 1 inch (1”) beam splitters. Compact and low-reflection.

delivery time: 2 weeks

SKU: 002-17-00 Category: Tags: , , ,
  • Universal holder for standard 1 inch (1'') beam splitters.
  • High-precision manufacturing.
  • Tension-free fastening thanks to 3-point support.
  • The beam splitter holder is made from one piece. Therefore, there is no chain tolerance. In addition, high angular accuracy between the beam splitter surface and the screw-on surface.
  • Low reflection thanks to black anodized aluminium and black PA12.
  • Ideal for mounting on our motorized positioning units such as the precision stage or the linear stage.

You can find suitable beam splitters here: Elliptical beam splitters | Edmund OpticsWealso offer you individual OEM versions for your beam splitters!